- Christ's Light Springing, Arising Up, Shineing [sic] Forth, and Displaying It Self Through the Whole World: Being a Treatise.
- Free strictures on "An address to candid and serious men." Tending to refute the arguments brought forward in that pamphlet in favour of the ... intelligences. By some friends of revelation.
- A Sermon Delivered February 24, 1808, At The Ordination Of Andrew Eliot, New Milford
- The virgin's song of salvation by Christ: a sermon occasioned by the much lamented death of Mrs. Susanna Wilkin, ... of Norwich, who departed this life October 15, 1770, ... By Samuel Fisher.
- The duty of subjects to the civil magistrate; recommended and enforced on scripture principles: being the substance of a sermon delivered in Ship-Lane ... February 28th, 1794; ... By S. Fisher.