Painted in Words: A Memoir
Samuel Bak: The Past Continues
Return to Vilna: Samuel Bak
$33.39 - $35.08
In a Different Light: The Book of Genesis in the Art of Samuel Bak
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Between Worlds: The Paintings and Drawings of Samuel Bak from 1946 to 2000
Bak: Paintings of the last decade. Artistic development ; The metaphysical works
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New Perceptions of Old Appearances in the Art of Samuel Bak
Le jeu d'échecs comme métaphore dans l'art de Samuel Bak =: Chess as metaphor in the art of Samuel Bak
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An arduous road
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Bak: Denkmäler unserer Träume : [Begegnungen mit d. Maler Samuel Bak in Skizzen, Briefen, Aufzeichnungen]
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