Mission protestante en Ituri: De l’AIM à la CECA∕20
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Théologie et philosophie. Possibilité de métathéologie
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Les juifs: Messianité de Jésus de Nazareth
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Philosophie der MONUSCO im Osten der DR. Kongo
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Filosofia de MONUSCO na DR. Oriental. Congo
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Philosophy of MONUSCO in Eastern DR. Congo
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Aree di attività dei gruppi armati nella parte orientale della RD. Congo
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Areas of operation of armed groups in eastern DR. Congo
Escrever e publicar um livro
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Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Forschung: Kursnotiz
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Introduction to Scientific Research
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Introdução à Investigação Científica: Nota de curso
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Zones opératoires des groupes armés à l’Est de la RD. Congo: Essai d’étude sur l’instabilité
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Philosophie de la MONUSCO à l’Est de la RD. Congo: Engagement ou désengagement ?
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Ecrire et publier un livre
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Le judaïsme: point de départ du christianisme chez Hegel et Feuerbach
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Idolâtrie: au risque de la foi chrétienne (French Edition)
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Amministrazione, salute, infrastrutture e sicurezza
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Administration, health, infrastructure and safety
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Graves conséquences d'homicide de Socrate
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666 poèmes, 666 causes
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Philosophie et nature: discours philosophiques sur l'eau
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Reziprozität und Kontraposition im Satz des Pythagoras (German Edition)
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Reciprocity and contrapositive in the Pythagorean theorem
Reciprocidade e contrapositiva no teorema de Pitágoras (Portuguese Edition)
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Reciprocità e contrapposizione nel teorema di Pitagora (Italian Edition)
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A educação na RD. Congo: seis décadas (1960-2024) (Portuguese Edition)
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Bildung in der DR. Kongo: Eine Reise durch sechs Jahrzehnte (1960-2024) (German Edition)
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L'istruzione nella RD. Congo: sei decenni (1960-2024) (Italian Edition)
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Education in DR. Congo: six decades (1960-2024)