- Cases in law: wherein justices of peace have a jurisdiction, as well by their commission, as by Act of Parliament,from Edward the Third's time to this day
- The justice of peace his companion: or, a summary of all the Acts of Parliament: whereby one, two, or more justices of the peace, are authorized to ... Sessions of the Peace, The fourth ed, 1719
- The justice of peace his companion: or, a summary of all the Acts of Parliament: whereby one, two, or more justices of the peace, are authorized to ... of the Sessions of the Peace, third ed 1715
- The second part of the justice of peace his companion. Being a collection of adjudg'd cases. ... By Samuel Blackerby ...
- The Justice of Peace his Companion; or, a Summary of all the Acts, of Parliament, Whereby one, two, or More Justices of the Peace, are Authorized to ... Sessions of Peace. By Samuel Blackerby, 1748