$9.79 - $49.39
The Weir
$10.09 - $26.29
A fair wind home
$5.19 - $6.19
Candlemas Bay
$8.49 - $15.72
Speak To the Winds
$5.29 - $6.79
The Fire Balloon
$5.49 - $5.79
Second Growth
Walk Down Main Street
$10.39 - $55.89
The Sea Flower
$14.69 - $15.72
A Fair Wind Home
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Jeb Ellis of Candlemas Bay;
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Sarah walked over the mountain: A novel
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The dinosaur bite: A novel
$7.49 - $8.79
The gold and silver hooks
Time's Web
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Lizzie and Caroline
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A Special Courage
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When Foley Craddock Tore Off My Grandfather's Thumb
Survivors' Lullaby: Giving witness from Boston to the Clergy Sex Abuse Crimes
The Tired Apple Tree
In Search of Liberty
Speak to the Winds; The Far Traveller; Spring on an Arctic Island; Frogman; Men to Match My Mountains (Classic Reprint)
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Life Nature Library EVOLUTION
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Ape into Man: A Study of Human Evolution
$8.89 - $9.29
Niels Bohr
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Deep Waters;
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