- Looking Out, Looking In
- Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication
- Student Activities Manual for Adler/Proctor II/Towne's Looking Out, Looking In, 11th
- Instructor's Manual and Test Bank to accompany Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication, Eleventh Edition
- Interpersonal Communication
- King-Sun Fu
- Helen Eckel Mizer
- Josephine A. Morello
- Doug Vidler
- Paul Colinvaux
- Tom Love
- Finn Jensen
- Alan W. Shaw
- William M. Hancock
- Gordon Pattison
- David A. Ross
- John Shepherd
- Michael C. Newman
- Cary S. Kart
- Mordechai E. Kreinin
- Richard J. Gross
- Julia M. Wondolleck
- Alan Gunn
- John E. Cronan Jr.
- Prateep Changchit