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Glande salivaire: Développement, fonction, troubles, imagerie
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Ghiandola salivare
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Glândula Salivar
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Terapêutica fotodinâmica na OPMD: Terapêutica Fotodinâmica em Lesões Epiteliais Orais Potencialmente Premalignas
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Thérapeutique photodynamique dans le cadre de l'OPMD: Thérapeutique photodynamique dans les lésions épithéliales buccales potentiellement précancéreuses
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Terapia fotodinamica nella OPMD: Terapie fotodinamiche in lesioni epiteliali orali potenzialmente premaligne
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Photodynamische Therapeutika bei OPMD: Photodynamische Therapeutika bei potentiell prämalignen oralen Epithelläsionen
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Sjogren Syndrome: Salivary Gland Disorder
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Implantologia dentária
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Implantologia dentale
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Zahnärztliche Implantologie
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Implantologie dentaire
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Salivary Gland
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