- Political Psychology in International Relations (Analytical Perspectives on Politics)
- Man Is by Nature a Political Animal: Evolution, Biology, and Politics
- Intelligence Success and Failure: The Human Factor
- Risk-Taking in International Politics: Prospect Theory in American Foreign Policy
- The Evils of Polygyny
- David G. Myers
- Allyson J. Weseley
- Robert McEntarffer
- B.R. Hergenhahn
- Barbara D. Miller
- Bryan Kolb
- Ian Q. Whishaw
- Robert L. Solso
- Susan H. McDaniel
- Richard H. Mikesell
- Ernest J. McCormick
- Neil J. Kressel
- Irwin J. Goldstein
- William C. Howell
- Harvey B. Sarnat
- Ronald V. Sampson
- Dorcas Susan Butt
- Joseph Tiffin