- Overrun by Demons/the Church's New Preoccupation With the Demonic
- A Holy Rebellion: Strategy for Spiritual Warfare
- Birds of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao: A Site and Field Guide
- History of Empires: Rise and Fall of the Greatest Empires in History
- This Book Ain't Nuttin to Fuck With: A Wu-Tang Tribute Anthology
- Frank S. Mead
- Steve Slaunwhite
- Philip Ward Burton
- Bob Raissman
- J. Jonathan Gabay
- Margaret B. Krohn
- Phyllis W. Schwebke
- Gary Greig
- Bob Schron
- Wilbur Lingle
- Robinson McQuilkin
- Ray Brubaker
- Joyce Thimsen
- Arlene Stadd
- Richard L. Mayhue
- Oletta Wald
- Twan Leenders
- John Barela
- Andre Dawson
- Philip Ward Burotn