- Timber Framing for the Rest of Us: A Guide to Contemporary Post and Beam Construction
- Cordwood Building: The State of the Art (Natural Building Series)
- Complete Book Of Cordwood Masonry Housebuilding: The Earthwood Method
- Earth-Sheltered Houses: How to Build an Affordable...
- The Complete Book Of Underground Houses: How To Build A Low Cost Home
- Thermie Program of the EC DGXVII
- James T. Frane
- Chris Bradley
- Kate Hill
- Henry Nonnenberg
- Al Golin
- James T. Farmer III
- Darwin B. Nelson
- Jeff Jepson
- Christopher Mueller-Wille
- Leo D Maldon
- Miriam Ehrenberg
- Dan Imhoff
- Maria Rosa Henson
- Bonny Martin
- Ivo Raza
- Richard J. Kessler
- A. Lawrence Kocher
- Gary R. Low
- Susan Chappell