Corona singola sovraimplantare (Italian Edition)
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Supraimplantäre Einzelkrone (German Edition)
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Coroa unitária supra-implantar (Portuguese Edition)
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Reproduzieren Sie die posteriore okklusale Morphologie in einer festsitzenden Prothese
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Riprodurre la morfologia occlusale posteriore nelle protesi fisse
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Reproduce posterior occlusal morphology in fixed prosthetics
Reproduzir a morfologia oclusal posterior em próteses fixas
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Tooth discoloration: causes and treatments
Tratamento ortodôntico e protético do diastema maxilar (Portuguese Edition)
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Traitement orthodontique et prothétique du diastème maxillaire (French Edition)
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Orthodontic and prosthetic treatment of maxillary diastema
Trattamento ortodontico e protesico del diastema mascellare (Italian Edition)
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Kieferorthopädische und prothetische Behandlung des Oberkieferdiastemas (German Edition)
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Microdontia: Functional and esthetic rehabilitation
Microdontia: Riabilitazione funzionale ed estetica (Italian Edition)
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Mikrodontie: Funktionelle und ästhetische Rehabilitation (German Edition)
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Microdontia: Reabilitação funcional e estética (Portuguese Edition)
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Microdontie: Réhabilitation fonctionnelle et esthétique (French Edition)
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