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Digestive bleeding
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Sanguinamento digestivo
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Sangramento digestivo
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Hépatite auto-immune chez l'enfant: Évaluation des critères diagnostiques, Prise en charge thérapeutique
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L'allergie aux protéines de lait de vache: Approche diagnostique et Stratégie de prise en charge
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Allergia alle proteine del latte vaccino: Approccio diagnostico e strategia di gestione
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Die Kuhmilchproteinallergie
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Alergia à proteína do leite de vaca: Abordagem de diagnóstico e estratégia de gestão
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Cow's milk protein allergy: Diagnostic Approach and Management Strategy
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Hepatite autoimune em crianças: Avaliação dos critérios de diagnóstico, Gestão terapêutica
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Epatite autoimmune nei bambini: Valutazione dei criteri diagnostici, gestione terapeutica
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Autoimmune hepatitis in children: Evaluation of diagnostic criteria, Therapeutic management
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Autoimmunhepatitis bei Kindern: Bewertung der diagnostischen Kriterien, Therapeutisches Management
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Hémorragie digestive par rupture de varices oesophagiennes
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