Boner and Stoner Issue # 1: Just Another Wasted Day
Jenna Jackson Issue 1 Third Edition: The House of Fools
Vampiretta Omnibus 1
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue # 1 Second Edition: The House of Fools
Vampiretta Book Two: The Spear of Destiny
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue 3 Second Edition: The Case of the Missing War Medals
Sue Kwan Deadly Assignment in Hong Kong Part Two
Boner and Stoner Issue 4: Whatever We Do, We're Screwed
Sue Kwan 6: From Russia with Blood Part Two
Boner and Stoner Issue # 2: Just Another Pointless Story
Vampiretta Book One: The Spear of Destiny
Sue Kwan: Las Vegas Has No Mercy
Jenna Jackson Issue 3: The Case of the Missing War Medals
Vampiretta Book Three: The Spear of Destiny
Pixie and Trixie Issue 2: Prisoners of Pocatello
Sue Kwan Issue 1: Deadly Assignment in Hong Kong
Pixie and Trixie Issue 1: The Ungrateful Brats and the Secret Agent
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue 4 Second Edition: The Mystery of the Aztec Priestess
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue 7: The Chinese Horoscope Killer
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue 6: Murder on the Waterfront
Boner and Stoner Issue # 3
Sue Kwan 4 : Don't Cry for Me Colombia
Jenna Jackson Girl Detective Issue 9: The Case of the Cookie Cutter Killer
Jenna Jackson Issue 4: The Mystery of the Aztec Priestess
Sue Kwan Private Investigator Issue # 5: From Russia With Blood
Jenna Jackson Issue 5: The Puzzling Case of the Northern Dancer