Occlusion en prothèse partielle fixe
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Okklusion bei festsitzenden Teilprothesen
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La phonétique en prosthodontie
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Il concetto dentogenico come filosofia estetica
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La fonetica in prostodonzia
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Conceito dentogénico uma filosofia estética
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Phonetik in der Prothetik
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Occlusione in protesi parziale fissa
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Fonética em dentisteria protética
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Dentogenes Konzept eine ästhetische Philosophie
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Oclusão em dentadura parcial fixa
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Le concept dentogène: une philosophie esthétique
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Interokklusale Beziehungen und Aufzeichnungen in der Prothetik (German Edition)
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Relações Interoclusais e Registos em Prótese Dentária (Portuguese Edition)
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Relations interocclusales et enregistrements en prosthodontie (French Edition)
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Relazioni e registrazioni interocclusali in ortodonzia (Italian Edition)
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