- Dissertation Sur La Validite Des Ordinations Des Anglois, Part 1: Et Sur La Succession Des Evesques de Lacentsa -A Centseglise Anglicane (1723)
- D�fense de la Dissertation Sur La Validit� Des Ordinations Des Anglois, Contre Les Diff�rentes R�ponses Qui Y Ont �t� Faites, Avec Les Preuves Justificatives... Par l'Auteur de la Dissertation [le P.
- A Defence of the Validity of the English Ordinations, and of the Succession of the Bishops in the Church of England: Written in French by ... Peter
- A dissertation on the validity of the ordinations of the English, and of the succession of the bishops of the Anglican Church; with the proofs establishing the facts advanced in this work
- Histoire du Concile de Trente; Volume 1