- Animadversions on a late idle pamphlet; entitled, A short dissertation on the gout: designed as a preservative against the danger of such outward applications, as oils and balsams. By a physician.
- Advice to the people, upon the epidemic catarrhal fever, of October, November, and December, M,DCC,LXXV. By a physician.
- A rational account of the natural weaknesses of women, and of the secret distempers peculiarly incident to them The second edition, with several additions, and amendments.
- A treatise of diseases of the head, brain, and nerves. More especially of the palsy, apoplexy, Also, A discourse on the nature, real cause and certain ... in women The fifth edition with additions.
- The art of preserving beauty: containing instructions to adorn and embellish the ladies: remove deformities, and preserve health Advice to make ... advice to procure love, affection, and esteem