- The Duty of Praising the Works of God to Succeeding Generations: Considered and Applied, in a Discourse, Delivered at Northborough on Wednesday, June 1st, 1796.
- Weeping and mourning at the death of eminent persons a national duty. A sermon, delivered at Northborough Feburary 22d, 1800. Observed as a day of ... of the death of General George Washington.
- The transgression of a land punished by a multitude of rulers. Considered in two discourses, delivered July 14, 1774, being voluntarily observed in ... throughout the province of Massachusetts-Bay
- A Sermon: Delivered on the Lord's Day Succeeding the Interment of Madam Abigail Adams, Late President of the United States (Classic Reprint)
- A Discourse Delivered at Quincy October 19, 1811, at the Interment of the Hon. Richard Cranch, Who Died October 16, 1811: And of Mrs. Mary Cranch, His Wife, Who Died October 17, 1811.