- 100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present
- Besieged: An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges From Ancient Times To The Present
- Encyclopedia of Invasions and Conquests: from ancient times to the present
- Great Commanders: From the Classical Age to the Napoleonic Era
- Early Black American Leaders in Nursing: Architects for Integration and Equality (National League for Nursing Series)
- Edward Doyle
- Samuel Lipsman
- Clark Dougan
- Terrence Maitland
- David M. Glantz
- John Morrocco
- Philip Warner
- Mary Ann Glendon
- Denis J. Fodor
- John R. Elting
- Robert Pisor
- Elizabeth Becker
- John Corbett
- Nick Mills
- Nathan N. Prefer
- J.H. Johnson
- Karl Schoenberger
- Peter McInerney
- Vezio Melegari
- Edmond de Goncourt