- The true doctrine of the New Testament concerning Jesus Christ, considered; wherein the misrepresentations that have been made of it, upon the Arian ... and Athanasian principles, are exposed, ed 2
- A comment upon some remarkable passages in Christ's prayer, at the close of his public ministry; more particularly John xvii. 5. ...
- The distinctive character and honour of the righteous man considered, in two discourses, occasioned by the death of the Revd. Francis Blackmore, M.A. of Worcester, by P. Cardale.
- A new office of devotion adapted to the present times. To which is added, the prayer of a true catholick, or of a consistent Protestant. In two parts. ...
- The gospel-sanctuary: or, God's name recorded in places of publick worship. In which the consecration and holiness of such places are rationally ... and the free and publick exercise of religion