Medicinal Plants 100
Microbial Inoculants in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
Novel Advances in Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Recent Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences
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Microbes for Clean and Green Environment
Innovations in Life Science Research
Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Estratto di Hibiscus rosasinensis contro Escherichia coli che causa UTI
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L'extrait d'Hibiscus rosasinensis contre l'Escherichia coli responsable de l'infection urinaire.
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Extrakt aus Hibiscus rosasinensis gegen Escherichia coli, die Harnwegsinfektionen verursachen
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Pinien-Apfelwein Gärung
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Fermentation du vin de pomme de pin
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Antibiogramme de l'infection bactérienne nosocomiale
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Bacterial Decolourization of Reactive Textile Dyes
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Fermentação de Vinho de Maçã Pinho
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Antibiogramm einer bakteriellen nosokomialen Infektion
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Antibiogramma dell'infezione batterica nosocomiale
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Fermentazione del vino di pino e mela
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Antibiograma de Infecção Bacteriana Nosocomial
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