Scientific Advancements in Current Agricultural Research
Microbial Inoculants in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture
Novel Advances in Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Antibacterial Activity of Natural and Commercial Honey
Innovations in Life Science Research
Parental Relationship in Blood Grouping
Miel - Le remède naturel contre les maladies bactériennes
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Honig - das natürliche Heilmittel gegen bakterielle Krankheiten
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Miele - Il rimedio naturale per le malattie batteriche
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Mel - O remédio natural para as doenças bacterianas
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Óleos Essenciais - Um Combate Bacteriano (Portuguese Edition)
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Gli oli essenziali: un combattente batterico (Italian Edition)
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Ätherische Öle - ein Bakterienbekämpfer (German Edition)
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Les huiles essentielles - un combattant bactérien (French Edition)
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Rifiuti di bucce di frutta per la coltivazione di funghi di importanza industriale (Italian Edition)
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Pectinase microbiana de resíduos de cascas de fruta (Portuguese Edition)
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Mikrobielle Pektinase aus Fruchtschalenabfällen (German Edition)
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Pectinasi microbiche da scarti di bucce di frutta (Italian Edition)
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Pectinase microbienne à partir de déchets d'écorces de fruits (French Edition)
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Resíduos de cascas de frutos para cultivo de fungos de importância industrial (Portuguese Edition)
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Déchets d'écorces de fruits pour la culture de champignons importants pour l'industrie (French Edition)
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