- An essay on the Lord's Supper: wherein is shewn, the nature and end of that sacrament; ... To which are added, prayers, thanksgivings, meditations, ... of Clapham, in Surry. The second edition.
- A candid enquiry into the principles and practices of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Bucks. Together with some thoughts on the origin, ... design of that institution. ... By P. D. Esq;
- An Essay on the Lord's Supper: Wherein Is Shewn, the Nature and End of That Sacrament; The Obligation to Frequent It; The Proper Dispositions for Receiving It; And the Advantages of a Worthy Reception
- A full and true account of the dreadful and melancholy earthquake, which happened between twelve and one o'clock in the morning, on Thursday the fifth instant.