- Excerpta quædam ex Luciani Samosatensis operibus. Per N. Kent, ... Editio tertia prioribus auctior & emendatior.
- Dialogues of Lucian. From the Greek. Second edition. Volume 5 of 5
- The works of Lucian, translated from the Greek, by several eminent hands. ... With the life of Lucian, a discourse on his writings, and a character of ... Written by John Dryden, ... Volume 2 of 4
- Dialogues of Lucian. From the Greek. Second edition. Volume 3 of 5
- Loukianou Samosateos pos dei historian syngraphein. Luciani Samosatensis Quomodo historia conscribenda sit. Edidit ac notis illustravit Franciscus Riollay ...