- Atlas Of Shipwrecks & Treasure
- Lost Treasure Ships of the Twentieth Century
- Samuel Pepys and the Strange Wrecking of the Gloucester: The Shipwreck that Shocked Restoration Britain
- The Atlas of Shipwrecks and Treasure
- Lost Treasure Ships of the Northern Seas: A Guide and Gazetteer to 2000 Years of Shipwreck
- Bertil Almgren
- Dorothy Lippert
- Robert Forrest Burgess
- Benjamin J. Shelak
- Margaret Nickelson Wright
- Ross Hassig
- Margaret Killjoy
- Brooke Meanley
- Frank Osborn, Braynard
- Jason Hanna
- Philip Currie
- Wilfred Edward Le Gros Clark
- Carl E. Bond
- Wesley B. Turner
- Richard Shutler
- Johannes Brøndsted
- Ann E. Dorbin
- Alasdair W.R. Whittle
- Sam George
- Ralph Witlock