- What Fish? A Buyer's Guide to Tropical Fish: Essential Information to Help You Choose the Right Fish for Your Tropical Freshwater Aquarium (What Pet? Books)
- 500 Ways to be a Better Freshwater Fishkeeper: Hints and Tips from a Team of Experts
- Today's Essential Guide to Keeping Goldfish: The Aquamaster Series (Aquamaster)
- The World of Koi (Mini Encyclopedia Series for Aquarium Hobbyists)
- The Ultimate Koi
- Sean Evans
- Geoff Rogers
- Bernice Brewster
- Nick Flethcer
- Equinox Staff
- Equinox Ltd.
- David Twigg
- Joseph Roberts
- Lewis Barker
- Scott B. Meyer
- Robert L. Farb
- Steve Halls
- ariah Burton Nelson
- Joel Robbins
- Garden Conservancy
- Raymond H. Woolsey
- Jim Simmons
- Nancy Baldrica
- A. Van Den Nieuwenhuizen
- Kerstin P. Ouellet