Niccolò Machiavelli
#1 in Elections & Political Process
#6 in Philosophy
#6 in Foreign Language Study & Reference
#36 in Politics & Social Sciences
#41 in Humanities
#1 in Elections & Political Process
#6 in Philosophy
#6 in Foreign Language Study & Reference
#36 in Politics & Social Sciences
#41 in Humanities
De Principatibus / Il Principe
$3.99 - $84.99
The Prince, and Other Pieces
$4.29 - $34.95
Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio
$5.59 - $54.61
The Portable Machiavelli
$4.49 - $16.96
The Art of War/The Prince
$8.78 - $36.23
Dell'arte della guerra
$6.49 - $43.49
The Prince/The Discourses
$5.39 - $13.09
Selected Political Writings
$6.39 - $17.49
The Essential Writings of Machiavelli (Modern Library Classics)
$13.89 - $15.13
The Art of War / The Prince / Instructions to His Generals
$7.99 - $9.49
La Mandragola
$6.29 - $29.95
Le istorie fiorentine
$10.88 - $47.74
Machiavelli's The Prince (Cliffs Notes)
Machiavelli's "The Prince" (Cliffs Notes)
The Prince
$4.89 - $5.09
The Servant of Two Masters: And Other Italian Classics (Eric Bentley's Dramatic Repertoire, Vol 4)
$5.09 - $16.01
Prince and Selected Discourses
The Prince: Special Edition
The Comedies of Machiavelli : The Woman from Andros, the Mandrake Clizia
Discourses On The First Decade Of Titus Livius
The Quotable Machiavelli
Releases 4/29/2025
The Prince and The Discourses,
$23.09 - $24.19
The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca
$6.89 - $17.24
The Prince: Adapted for the Contemporary Reader (Modern Classics Book 1)
The Wisdom of Niccolo Machiavelli
$29.99 - $42.68
The Sweetness of Power
$48.08 - $55.21
The Prince (1532), The Leviathan (1651), The Two Treatises of Government (1689), The Social Contract (1762), The Constitution of Pennsylvania (1776)
Strategy Six Pack (Illustrated): The Art of War, The Gallic Wars, Life of Charlemagne, The Prince, On War and Battle Studies
$29.99 - $41.99