Healing Racism in America: A Prescription for the Disease
Seeking Faith: Is Religion Really What You Think It Is?
Racial Conditioning of our Children: Ending Psychological Genocide in Schools
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Coming of Age at the Millennium: Embracing the Oneness of Humankind
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Education on Trial
Teaching the Baha'I Faith: Spirit in Action
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A way out of the trap: An innovative & unique ten-step program for spiritual growth
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Racism: Unraveling the Fear
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To be one: A battle against racism (Global transformation)
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To a Seeker
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"Go watch TV!": What and how much should children really watch?
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Basic Truths: "Growing", "God Is", "Why in the World?"
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He Loved and Served: Story of Curtis Kelsey
Corinne True: Faithful Handmaid of 'Abdu'l-Bahá
The Invisible Hand: Shaping the New World Order
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Winning Spiritual Battles
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From a Gnat to an Eagle: The Story of Nathan Rutstein
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