- The Bbi Dictionary of English Word Combinations
- Standard English-SerboCroatian, SerboCroatian-English Dictionary: A Dictionary of Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian Standards (Dictionary)
- English-SerboCroatian Dictionary
- Dictionary of Russian Personal Names: With a Revised Guide to Stress and Morphology
- Serbocroatian-English Dictionary
- David Mellinkoff
- Steven Goldberg
- Giuseppe Manca
- Roman Pelts
- Hiroshi Motomura
- T. Alexander Aleinikoff
- Federico Andahazi
- Gilbert M. Eisner
- David A. Martin
- Thomas H. Crook
- Robert F. Ilson
- Jess J. Araujo
- Stephen H. Legomsky
- Clifford R. Ennico
- Bradley G. Clary
- William J. Dekryger
- Bobbs-Merrill Company, Speedwriting Division Staff
- Marvin Hyman
- Maryellen Fullerton
- Andrea Viotti