Ursula the Unique Unicorn
Evan the Excited Elephant
Timothy the Tall Turtle
Sammy the Silly Snake
Teddy Teddy, You Must Tidy Up!
Oscar the Odd Octopus
Iris the Irresistible Iguana
Nate the Nice Narwhal
ABC Animals
Brian the Brave Bear
Hunter the Happy Hippo
ABC Tongue Twisters
Ryan the Rare Rabbit
Viola the Voracious Vulture
Teddy Teddy, What's in Your Belly?
Phyllis the Patient Penguin
Daphne the Dirty Dog
Charlie the Courageous Cat
Yasper the Young Yak
Kayla the Kind Kangaroo
Xavier the Xerophilous Xerus
Luther the Loving Lion
Quinton the Quick Quail
Aubrey the Awesome Alligator
Jeffrey the Jolly Jellyfish
Zebo the Zany Zebra
Frankie the Fantastic Frog
Margaret the Messy Monkey
Gary the Giant Giraffe
West the Wacky Whale