- Persuasive Written and Oral Advocacy in Trial and Appellate Courts (Coursebook Series)
- Practicing Persuasive Written & Oral Advocacy: Case File II
- Criminal Law Simulations: Bridge to Practice
- Practicing Persuasive Written And Oral Advocacy: Case File 3 (Problem Supplement)
- Vitiello's Criminal Procedure Simulations: Bridge to Practice
- Susan R. Martyn
- Nancy M. Lederman
- Lawrence J. Fox
- Michael A. Berch
- Michele Zipp
- Michele Taruffo
- Teresa A. Meehan
- Michael D. Preston
- Robert C. Waters
- Rebecca White Berch
- R.A. Penfold
- Brent R. Armstrong
- Michael R. Fontham
- Art Goldberg
- W. Kelsea Wilber
- Charles R. Garry
- William J. Lux
- Ralph S. Spritzer
- Imagine Publishing
- David W. Miller