Gun Trafficking in America
The Myth of the Armed Citizen
Confessions of a Gun Nut: Chasing Guns for Sixty Years
Welcome To The NRA
The Great American Gun Argument
A Brotherhood of Memory: Jewish Landsmanshaften in the New World
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The Peasants of the Montes: Roots of Rural Rebellion in Spain
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Guns for Good Guys, Guns for Bad Guys
Crime And Punishment In Early Modern Europe
Hunters in the Wilderness (Guns in America Book 2)
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Because They're Assholes: Violence and Gun Violence
Why Are Guns Lethal
Gun Notes: Research on Guns
Sandy Hook: A Man Sold A Gun
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The Other Five Points
$13.59 - $14.95
What's So Bad About Being Poor?
Build The Wall!: Populism and Nativism in American Life
Why Do We Have So Much Crap?: Economic Inequality in America
The Deadliest Pathogen: Guns and Homicide (Guns in America)
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