Michael Buckley has written and developed shows for Nickelodeon, Disney, MTV Animation, the Sci-Fi Channel, the Discovery Channel, and VH1. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Alison, and son, Finn. Peter Ferguson is a comic book and editorial artist. He lives in Argentina.
The Fairy-Tale Detectives
$4.69 - $26.49
The Problem Child
$4.19 - $18.69
The Unusual Suspects
$3.69 - $9.99
Once Upon a Crime
$4.19 - $23.19
Magic and Other Misdemeanors
$4.59 - $9.99
The Inside Story
$4.09 - $23.69
The Council of Mirrors
$4.89 - $20.54
The Everafter War
$4.19 - $18.80
Tales From the Hood
$4.49 - $20.54
NERDS: National Espionage, Rescue, and Defense Society (Book One)
$3.59 - $13.79
M Is for Mama's Boy [M IS FOR MAMAS BOY] [Paperback]
$4.19 - $9.99
NERDS the Villain Virus
$4.29 - $8.99
Attack of the BULLIES
$4.49 - $15.19
Terrifying Tales
$4.19 - $7.77
NERDS: Book Three: The Cheerleaders of Doom [Hardcover] [2011] (Author) Michael Buckley, Ethen Beavers
$4.09 - $44.59
The Sisters Grimm: A Very Grimm Guide
Heart of the Storm
$6.99 - $37.89
Raging Sea
$5.09 - $12.67
$4.99 - $14.94
The Fairy-Tale Detectives & The Unusual Suspects
Out of Stock
Kel Gilligan's Daredevil Stunt Show
$4.79 - $5.49
Finn and the Intergalactic Lunchbox
$4.19 - $19.69
Finn and the Time-Traveling Pajamas
$4.89 - $14.47
Finn and the Subatomic Slip-and-Slide
$5.69 - $13.28
Lenny the Lobster Can't Stay for Dinner
$7.19 - $14.70
Help! My Kid Wants to Become a Youtuber: Your Child Can Learn Life Skills Such as Resilience, Consistency, Networking, Financial Literacy, and More While Having a Ton of Fun Creating Online Videos
$6.29 - $6.99
The Snow Leopard's New Friend
Billy, It's Time
Spot Lit
Servant of God: The Life and Apostolate of John Vincent, OCD
$6.89 - $7.89