In Hitler's Munich: Jews, the Revolution, and the Rise of Nazism
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Kleine jüdische Geschichte
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Zionism: A Brief History
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In Search of Israel: The History of an Idea
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Nach dem Holocaust: Juden in Deutschland 1954-1950
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The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany
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Mean People Suck: How Empathy Leads to Bigger Profits and a Better Life
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Prophets of the Past: Interpreters of Jewish History
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Emancipation through Muscles: Jews and Sports in Europe
Reconcilable Differences: US-French Relations in the New Era
Terms of Engagement: The United States and the European Security Identity (Washington Papers)
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The Structure of Action
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Executive Coaching for Managerial Excellence:A roadmap for executives, human resources and coaches
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Der lange Schatten der Revolution - Juden und Antisemiten in Hitlers München 1918 bis 1923
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