The Orion War - Books 1-3
The Toll Road Between the Stars
The Scipio Alliance
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Orion Rising
Rika Activated
Alpha Centauri
Lyssa's Rise
A Path in the Darkness
The Trail Through the Stars: Perseus Gate Season 1: Episodes 1-3
Pew! Pew! Volume 1: Sex! Guns! Spaceships! Oh My
Aeon 14: The Art and Covers
The Complete Intrepid Saga & Destiny Lost: An Aeon 14 Ominibus
Pew! Pew! Volume 2: The Quest for More Pew!
Pew! Pew! Volume 3: Bite My Shiny Metal Pew!
The Expanding Universe #3
Bad versus Worse
The Path Amongst the Clouds
A Meeting of Minds and Bodies
Hired Gun
A Fist Full of Pews
A Deception and a Promise Kept
Impact Imminent
The Gate at the Grey Wolf Star
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The World at the Edge of Space
The Final Stroll on Perseus's Arm
The Dance on the Moons of Serenity
The Woman Without a World
The Woman Who Seized an Empire
The Woman Who Lost Everything
The Last Bastion of Star City