- A Christian People's Remembrance of Their Deceased Pastor: A Sermon Delivered February 12, 1818, at the Funeral of the Reverend Ephraim Ward, Senior Pastor of the First Church and Society in Brookfiel
- The Character, Trials, and Security of the Church: A Sermon Preached at the Dedication of the Meeting-House of the Evangelical Society in South Brookfield, August 13, 1828.
- The Benefit of Afflictions Illustrated: In a Discourse Delivered at the Third Church in Brookfield, December 9th, A.D. 1804, the Lord's Day After the Interment of Mrs. Mary Reed, Who Expired December
- Danger and Duty Pointed Out: In a Discourse Delivered at Brookfield, South Parish, July 23, 1812, the Day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, Appointed by His Excellency the Governor, on Account of th
- Reminiscences of a Half-Century Pastorate: A Discourse,