- After the White House: Former Presidents as Private Citizens
- Social Security And Its Enemies: The Case For America's Most Efficient Insurance Program
- Moose Crossing: Portland to Portland on the Theodore Roosevelt International Highway
- Securing America's Future: A Bold Plan to Preserve and Expand Social Security
- Presidential Performance: A Comprehensive Review
- Brendan Smith
- Jonathan Brent
- Medard Gabel
- Michael A. Genovese
- Amy B. Dean
- Sheldon H. Danziger
- David B. Reynolds
- Ray Bourhis
- Barry Bluestone
- Connie Rice
- Robert H. Tillman
- Bennett Harrison
- Charlotte Ryan
- Robert M. Fogelson
- Fred D. Howard
- David F. Rudgers
- Henry J. Aaron
- David R. Harris
- Alan Dawley
- Vladimir P. Naumov