The Night in Gethsemane: On Solitude and Betrayal
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Cain’s Act: The Origins of Hate
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The Temptation of the Wall: Five Short Lessons on Civil Life
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The Telemachus Complex: Parents and Children After the Decline of the Father
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The Son's Secret: From Oedipus to the Prodigal Son
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Patria senza padri. Psicopatologia della politica italiana
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Incontrare l'assenza. Il trauma della perdita e la sua soggettivazione
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Non è più come prima: Elogio del perdono nella vita amorosa
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Jacques Lacan: Desiderio, godimento e soggettivazione
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The Mother's Hands: Desire, Fantasy and the Inheritance of the Maternal
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Clínica del vacío, anorexias, dependencias, psicosis (Estudios lacanianos)
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Mantieni il bacio: Lezioni brevi sull'amore
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Que Queda del Padre?: La Paternidad En La Epoca Hipermoderna
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L'ultima cena: anoressia e bulimia
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Elogio dell'inconscio. Dodici argomenti in difesa della psicoanalisi
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Las Tres Esteticas de Lacan
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La forza del desiderio
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El Grito de Job
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La Luz de Las Estrellas Muertas
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