The poetical works of Alice and Phoebe Cary, with a memorial of their lives by Mary Clemmmer.
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His Two Wives
The Last Poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary
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A Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary: With Some of Their Later Poems
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Ten years in Washington: Life and scenes in the national capital, as a woman sees them
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Memorial Sketch of Elizabeth Emerson Atwater: Written for her Friends
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Victoire: A Novel
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Ten Years in Washington Life & Scenes In
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Outlines of Men, Women, and Things
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Eirene or a woman's right
Eirene or a woman's right
Life and Scenes in the National Capital, as a Woman Sees Them
A memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary, with some of their later poems. By Mary Clemmer Ames. Illustrated by two portraits on steel.
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