- Love Addiction: A Guide to Emotional Independence
- Love Addiction: A Guide to Emotional Independence
- Reflective Discipline: Reducing Racial Disparity in Referrals and Suspensions
- Eliminating Racial Profiling in School Discipline: Cultures in Conflict
- Pathway to Change: A Guide to Personal Transformation
- David Eisenberg
- Scott Doggett
- Thomas Lee Wright
- Gemma Pitcher
- Gabe Pulliam
- Sandra Bardwell
- Bethany K. Laurence
- Kevin Anglin
- Helen Gillman
- Louis Cozolino
- David Andrew
- Norman Tallent
- Leonard Diamond
- Alex Harvey
- Stefano Cavedoni
- Nancy Linn-Desmond
- Nadene Peterson
- Roberto Cortéz González
- William J. Heisler
- Stefan G. Hofmann