- What Is Justice?: Classic and Contemporary Readings
- God and Moral Law: On the Theistic Explanation of Morality
- An Essay on Divine Authority (Cornell Studies in the Philosophy of Religion)
- Philosophy of Law: The Fundamentals (Fundamentals of Philosophy)
- Natural Law and Practical Rationality (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law)
- Robert Gilpin
- Kenneth A. Shepsle
- Steven Vago
- Stephen Kotkin
- Pyotr Kropotkin
- Fred White
- Jack L. Snyder
- Janet Buttolph Johnson
- H.T. Reynolds
- Joel Feinberg
- Francine Hornberger
- Lief H. Carter
- Roy C. Macridis
- Jeffrie G. Murphy
- Thomas F. Burke
- Larry May
- Robert E. Rodes Jr.
- Mark Hulliung
- Dennis Lloyd
- Jean M. Gilpin