- Kings Mountain and Its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780
- Fort Snelling: Col. Leavenworth's Expedition to Establish it, in 1819
- Narrative of a Journey Down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90.
- A Biographical Sketch of Hon. Charles H. Larrabee
- An Essay on the Autographic Collections of the Signers of the Declaration of Indepandence and of the Constitution. From Vol. Xth, Wisconsin Historical Society Collections. Rev. and Enl
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- Maryvelma O'Neil
- Lorenz B. Graham
- Duncan Hewitt
- Deborah Amos
- David Potter
- Christina Woods
- Mark Habeeb
- Pauline Gregg
- Marsha Landreth
- Elizabeth Langhorne
- Violet Bonham Carter
- Anna Carew-Miller
- Mark A. Cooper
- Emerson Roy West
- Frederick A. Pottle
- John Ryan Duncan
- Maria Boyd
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- A.C. Ross