- Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities (The Irwin Series in Undergraduate Accounting)
- Governmental accounting (The Willard J. Graham series in accounting)
- Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities with City of Smithville
- Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-profit Organizations
- Essentials of Governmental Accounting for Public Administrators
- Marion Cottingham
- Genelle Subak-Sharpe
- Chuck Tomasi
- T.D. Griffith
- Kreg Steppe
- Jennifer Wade
- Delores Risteau
- Aaron Brazell
- Will McClatchy
- Archie M. Richards Jr.
- Susan C. Kattelus
- Joanne Mitchell-George
- W. Dean Brown
- Earl Ray Wilson
- Jim Wiandt
- John Zonderman
- Christopher Whitney
- George E. Dvorchak Jr.
- Janie Clark
- Ralph Alterowitz