Under the Red Flag: A History of Communism in Britain
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The Rise of Socialism in Britain: 1881-1951
The General Strike of 1926 (New Frontiers in History)
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Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth Century British Politics
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Modern Britain Since 1979: A Reader (Tauris History Readers)
British Political Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary
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A History of British Trade Unionism, C.1770-1990 (Social History)
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The Evolution of the Welfare State
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Britain's First Labour Government
Policing in England and Wales, 1918-39: The Fed, Flying Squads and Forensics
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The Battle for the Roads of Britain: Police, Motorists and the Law, c.1890s to 1970s
The Independent Labour Party, 1914 - 1939
Britain on the Breadline: A Social and Political History of Britain, 1918-39 (Social History)
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Going to the Dogs: A History of Greyhound Racing in Britain, 1926-2017
British Trade Unionism, 1770-1990: A Reader in History
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General Strike
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Liberalism And The Rise Of Labour, 1890 1918
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The General Strike Day by Day (History)
The Football Pools and the British Working Class
The Independent Labour Party, 1914-1939
Marxism in Britain: Dissent, Decline and Re-emergence 1945-c.2000
The Centennial History of the Independent Labour Party
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The Football Pools and the British Working Class: A Political, Social and Cultural History