The Known Stranger
Aproveitamento de resíduos cerâmicos para uma construção sustentável
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Exploiter les déchets céramiques pour la construction durable
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Advancements in Flexible Pavement Design and Traffic Safety
Harnessing Waste Ceramics for Sustainable Construction
Nutzung von Keramikabfällen für nachhaltiges Bauen
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Sfruttare i rifiuti ceramici per l'edilizia sostenibile
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Ottimizzazione della temporizzazione dei segnali stradali tramite MATLAB
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Optimierung von Ampelschaltungen mit MATLAB
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Otimização da temporização de sinais de trânsito através do MATLAB
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Optimisation de la synchronisation des feux de circulation à l'aide de MATLAB
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Programmation en Python: Premiers pas vers l'automatisation
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Vom Funken zur Skulptur: Die Grundlagen des Schweißens lernen
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Das faíscas às esculturas: Aprender os princípios básicos da soldadura
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Programação Python: Primeiros passos para a automatização
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Dalle scintille alle sculture: Imparare le basi della saldatura
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Python-Programmierung: Erste Schritte auf dem Weg zur Automatisierung
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Programmazione Python: Primi passi verso l'automazione
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Des étincelles aux sculptures: Apprendre les bases du soudage
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Approfondimento sul Lean Management per l'industria delle costruzioni
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Controlo Eficaz de Projectos: Estratégias para gerir o tempo e o custo
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Perspetiva da gestão Lean para a indústria da construção
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Contrôle efficace des projets: Stratégies de gestion des délais et des coûts (French Edition)
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Les bases de la technologie des plastiques (French Edition)
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Noções básicas de tecnologia dos plásticos (Portuguese Edition)
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Auswirkungen der Automatisierung auf die Fertigungsindustrie (German Edition)
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Impatto dell'automazione sull'industria manifatturiera
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Lehren und Vorrichtungen (German Edition)
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Impact de l'automatisation sur l'industrie manufacturière (French Edition)
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Dime e dispositivi di fissaggio (Italian Edition)
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