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Karthikeyan T

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Books by Karthikeyan T

Effets th�rapeutiques de la stimulation �lectrique sur les survivants d'une attaque c�r�brale 6204102125 Book Cover

Effets th�rapeutiques de la stimulation �lectrique sur les survivants d'une attaque c�r�brale

Karthikeyan T

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Efeitos terap�uticos da estimula��o el�trica sobre os sobreviventes de acidentes vasculares cerebrais 6204102141 Book Cover

Efeitos terap�uticos da estimula��o el�trica sobre os sobreviventes de acidentes vasculares cerebrais

Karthikeyan T

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Therapeutische Wirkungen der Elektrostimulation bei �berlebenden eines Schlaganfalls 6204102109 Book Cover

Therapeutische Wirkungen der Elektrostimulation bei �berlebenden eines Schlaganfalls

Karthikeyan T

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Gestione terapeutica dei muscoli spastici del polpaccio in Emiplegia 6203237140 Book Cover

Gestione terapeutica dei muscoli spastici del polpaccio in Emiplegia

Karthikeyan T

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Efficacité de la technique du scotch et de la compression ischémique pour les cervicalgies: Physiothérapie 6203211109 Book Cover

Efficacité de la technique du scotch et de la compression ischémique pour les cervicalgies: Physiothérapie

Karthikeyan T

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Gestion thérapeutique des muscles spastiques du mollet dans l'hémiplégie 6203237132 Book Cover

Gestion thérapeutique des muscles spastiques du mollet dans l'hémiplégie

Karthikeyan T

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Therapeutisches Management Nackeneinklemmnerv: Physiotherapie 6203624926 Book Cover

Therapeutisches Management Nackeneinklemmnerv: Physiotherapie

Karthikeyan T

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Curricular Integration in physiotherapy education 6202319569 Book Cover

Curricular Integration in physiotherapy education

Karthikeyan T

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Entraînement musculaire sur la petite maladie spastique chez l'enfant 6205963019 Book Cover

Entraînement musculaire sur la petite maladie spastique chez l'enfant

Karthikeyan T

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Allenamento della forza su bambini spastici con piccole malattie 6205963027 Book Cover

Allenamento della forza su bambini spastici con piccole malattie

Karthikeyan T

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Krafttraining für spastisch kranke Kinder 6205963000 Book Cover

Krafttraining für spastisch kranke Kinder

Karthikeyan T

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Treino de força em crianças com pequenas doenças espásticas 6205963043 Book Cover

Treino de força em crianças com pequenas doenças espásticas

Karthikeyan T

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Effets de la technique de l'énergie musculaire sur les douleurs dorsales: Physiothérapie 6206074986 Book Cover

Effets de la technique de l'énergie musculaire sur les douleurs dorsales: Physiothérapie

Karthikeyan T

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Efeitos da técnica de energia muscular nas dores de costas: Fisioterapia 6206075001 Book Cover

Efeitos da técnica de energia muscular nas dores de costas: Fisioterapia

Karthikeyan T

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Auswirkungen der Muskelnergietechnik auf Rückenschmerzen: Physiotherapie 620607496X Book Cover

Auswirkungen der Muskelnergietechnik auf Rückenschmerzen: Physiotherapie

Karthikeyan T

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Effetti della tecnica di energia muscolare sul mal di schiena: Fisioterapia 6206074994 Book Cover

Effetti della tecnica di energia muscolare sul mal di schiena: Fisioterapia

Karthikeyan T

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Evaluate Diurnal changes in cognitive abilities for Parkinson Disease: Physiotherapy 6138951298 Book Cover

Evaluate Diurnal changes in cognitive abilities for Parkinson Disease: Physiotherapy

Karthikeyan T

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Efficacia della tecnica di taping e della compressione ischemica per la cervicale 6203211133 Book Cover

Efficacia della tecnica di taping e della compressione ischemica per la cervicale

Karthikeyan T

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Efficacy of taping and ischemic compression technique for cervicalgia 6138944844 Book Cover

Efficacy of taping and ischemic compression technique for cervicalgia

Karthikeyan T

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Eficácia da técnica de colagem e compressão isquêmica para cervicalgia: Fisioterapia 6203211117 Book Cover

Eficácia da técnica de colagem e compressão isquêmica para cervicalgia: Fisioterapia

Karthikeyan T

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Manejo terapêutico do nervo que belisca o pescoço: Fisioterapia 6203624985 Book Cover

Manejo terapêutico do nervo que belisca o pescoço: Fisioterapia

Karthikeyan T

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Wirksamkeit von Taping und ischämischer Kompressionstechnik bei Zervikalgie: Physiotherapie 6203211087 Book Cover

Wirksamkeit von Taping und ischämischer Kompressionstechnik bei Zervikalgie: Physiotherapie

Karthikeyan T

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Pilates and vertical jump performance of basketball players: vertical jump 6138943619 Book Cover

Pilates and vertical jump performance of basketball players: vertical jump

Karthikeyan T


Therapeutic effects of Lawn Tennis Arm: Physiotherapy Management 6138930002 Book Cover

Therapeutic effects of Lawn Tennis Arm: Physiotherapy Management

Karthikeyan T

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Physiotherapy education in PBL 6138829743 Book Cover

Physiotherapy education in PBL

Karthikeyan T

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Gestione terapeutica del nervo che pizzica il collo 6203624950 Book Cover

Gestione terapeutica del nervo che pizzica il collo

Karthikeyan T

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Prise en charge thérapeutique du nerf pincé du cou 6203624942 Book Cover

Prise en charge thérapeutique du nerf pincé du cou

Karthikeyan T

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Therapeutic Management of spastic calf muscles in Hemiplegia 6138945085 Book Cover

Therapeutic Management of spastic calf muscles in Hemiplegia

Karthikeyan T


Skutecznośc techniki taśmowania i niedokrwiennej kompresji w przypadku bólu szyjki macicy 620321115X Book Cover

Skutecznośc techniki taśmowania i niedokrwiennej kompresji w przypadku bólu szyjki macicy

Karthikeyan T

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Postępowanie terapeutyczne nerw karkowy szczypiący 6203624977 Book Cover

Postępowanie terapeutyczne nerw karkowy szczypiący

Karthikeyan T

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