Ishi in Two Worlds 50th Anniversary EditionA Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America
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First Light: Five Photographers Explore Yosemite's Wilderness
Ecological Literary Criticism
Retelling/Rereading: The Fate of Storytelling in Modern Times
Romantic Landscape Vision: Constable and Wordsworth
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Traditional American Indian Literature (Bison Book)
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Images of Romanticism
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Make Believe in Film and Fiction: Visual vs. Verbal Storytelling
Styles in Fictional Structure: Studies in the Art of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot
$58.60 - $125.00
Romantic Narrative Art
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The Artifice of Reality
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Backgrounds to British Romantic Literature
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Artistry in Native American Myths
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Blake in a Post-Secular Era: Early Prophecies
Traditional Literatures of the American Indian: Texts and Interpretations
Ishi in Three Centuries
Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction