L'électronique et l'informatique au service d'élections équitables
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Elettronica e informatica per elezioni corrette
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Elektronik und Computerwissenschaften für faire Wahlen
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Eletrónica e informática para eleições justas
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Abwärmenutzung für Stromerzeugungsanwendungen (German Edition)
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Recuperação de calor residual para aplicações de produção de energia (Portuguese Edition)
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Recupero del calore di scarto per applicazioni di generazione di energia (Italian Edition)
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Récupération de la chaleur perdue pour la production d'électricité (French Edition)
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Le monde des phosphates, de l'acide phosphorique et des piles à combustible (French Edition)
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Welt der Phosphate, Phosphorsäure und Brennstoffzellen (German Edition)
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Il mondo dei fosfati, degli acidi fosforici e delle celle a combustibile (Italian Edition)
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Mundo dos Fosfatos, Fósforos Acis e Células de Combustível (Portuguese Edition)
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Engenharia de energia solar (Portuguese Edition)
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Ingegneria dell'energia solare (Italian Edition)
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Ingénierie de l'énergie solaire (French Edition)
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Solarenergietechnik (German Edition)
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Novo olhar sobre o mundo da energia escura e dos materiais (Portuguese Edition)
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Ein neuer Blick auf die Welt der Dunklen Energie und der Materialien: Dunkle Energie und Materialien (German Edition)
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New Look to the World of Dark Energy and Materials: Dark Energy and Materials
Nuovo sguardo al mondo dell'energia oscura e dei materiali (Italian Edition)
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Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zukunft der Menschheit (German Edition)
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A Inteligência Artificial e o Futuro da Humanidade (Portuguese Edition)
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L'intelligenza artificiale e il futuro dell'umanità (Italian Edition)
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L'intelligence artificielle et l'avenir de l'humanité (French Edition)
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Roteiros tecnológicos para o objetivo de emissões líquidas nulas até 2030 e 2050 (Portuguese Edition)
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Tabella di marcia tecnologica verso l'obiettivo di emissioni nette zero entro il 2030 e il 2050 (Italian Edition)
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Technologische Fahrpläne zur Erreichung des Netto-Null-Emissionsziels bis 2030 und 2050 (German Edition)
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Feuilles de route technologiques pour atteindre l'objectif d'émissions nettes zéro d'ici 2030 et 2050 (French Edition)
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Um olhar sobre o software comercial de prateleira (COTS) a nível mundial (Portuguese Edition)
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Ein Blick auf die weltweite Commercial-Off-the-Shelf-Software (COTS) (German Edition)
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