- The Eclipse in Myth, Legend, Science & Religion: An Illustrated Anthology
- Ministers Set for the Defence of the Gospel, and How They Are to Defend It: A Sermon, Delivered at Harvard, June 3, 1801, at the Ordination of the Rev. Stephen Bemis, to the Care of the Congregational
- Two Sermons on the Christian Sabbath: For Distribution in the New Settlements of the United States.
- God's challenge to infidels to defend their cause, illustrated and applied in a sermon, delivered in West-Springfield, May 4, 1797, being the day of ... Minister of the First Parish in said town.
- The happiness of a free government, and the means of preserving it: illustrated in a sermon, delivered in West-Springfield, on July 4th, 1794, in ... Published at the desire of the hearers.