- Speech of the Honourable Joseph Howe, Provincial Secretary on the Question of Colleges and Education, Monday, February 19th, 1849 [microform]
- Speeches and Public Letters. Based Upon Mr. Annand's Ed. of 1858. New and Complete Ed., Rev. and Edited by Joseph Andrew Chisholm; Volume 2
- The Reciprocity Treaty [microform]: Its History, General Features, and Commercial Results: a Speech Delivered by the Honorable Joseph Howe of Nova ... Commercial Convention, Held at The...
- Speech Delivered by the Hon. Joseph Howe at the Detroit Convention [microform]: on the Commercial Relations of Great Britain and the United States, August 14, 1865 [i.e. July 14, 1865]
- Lecture Delivered Before the Saint John Early Closing Association [microform]: at the Hall of the Mechanics' Institute