To Make a New Race: Gurdjieff, Toomer, and the Harlem Renaissance
Out of Stock
The Esoteric Mission of Zora Neale Hurston
Endowed, a comic novel
Summer Games
Worry Dolls: Poems
Anthems, Sonnets, and Chants: Recovering the African American Poetry of the 1930s
Notes on Ralph Ellison's Three Days Before the Shooting: Objective Art, Alchemical Cabala, Roman a Clef, Modern Civil Messiahs, Ancient Egypt, and Pseudo-Communism
Gon' Knock John Booker to the Low Ground
The Emblematic Novel: Esoteric Realism in the Harlem Renaissance and the Lost Generation
Providence Sonnets: 1-33, The Persecutions
H. P. Lovecraft's Megaliths: The Unknown In Plain Sight